Friday, March 28, 2008

An arm and a leg

Hyrum largely likes staying in his fetal position, with his fists tucked up to his face and his legs scrunched up to his body. Particularly when he does this wearing his green outfit, Joy likes to call him a frog.

But he's starting to move his hands and legs more now. The thing that impresses us is how deliberately he moves! Joy thinks it looks like he's conducting music.

And he dives into the crowd!

Asleep, but sticking his leg out and up. That was exciting in a way only parents of a newborn frog understand.

Hyrum, setting new records in baby singing. Here he is trying out Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries! (actually, yawning)

Hey! Who's three-piece suit does a guy gotta spit up on to get a little service around here?

Wow! He really IS the Light of the World!

We LOVE this outfit and are thankful he was born small enough to wear it his first Sunday at church on Easter. (slept right through it too)

The conductor takes a bow.

First intimations of a happy smile. Ahh, my son.

1 comment:

Fatima Humphreys said...

How cute. Congratulations.Those are great pictures. Thanks for posting them. We are looking forward to meet Hyrum.