Sunday, January 20, 2008

A dirty little secret and a clean little joke

The dirty little secret:
We re-edit these posts after we post them. Sometimes frequently. Usually it's to add pictures; sometimes to add more to the story. That may be illegal, but it's our blog, and we do it. So when you visit us, you may want to scroll down and see if we've added any pictures.

The clean little jokes:
[Winners in the We Enjoy Being Watsons, but You Probably Had to Be There Contest]

During Christmas, Joy was opening her presents from Grammy, which largely consisted of outfits Joy had picked out for herself and Grammy had paid for. So they weren't surprises to Joy, but rather to Grammy. At one point, as Joy pulled out a particular shirt, Grammy said:
G: My, you certainly do seem to like pink.
J: Oh, it's not just pink. It's different. This one is ... more like coral.
My brother, Steve: That's right. It's not just pink. It's shades of pink.
We all had a very good laugh over that one.

Last year, Emmy (Steve's wife) announced happily: "I ate all my M&Ms like a good little girl." So this year for Christmas, Mom and Dad got her a 5 lb bag of M&Ms. Apparently, it was on the top of her wishlist, Mrs. Santa informs me. There's no word yet on if she's a good girl this year or not, though.

Emmy has brought many new terms and stories to the family. We four kids were playing their Pixar Monopoly, which has different characters from the movies on the play money. Nemo is on the $1, and since Emmy loves fishies, she would get really upset whenever she landed on someone's property and had to give away "Nemos." "Stop taking my Nemos!" She didn't mind paying more money or larger amounts, just losing Nemos. So we made change for her frequently so she could pay us $10 for a $4 property and get more Nemos. If you happen to hear my beloved say "Stinkerfish!" when she's upset, that's an Emmy.

I said something very silly today too, but I'm having trouble remembering it. I'll come back and add in my own thing a little later.

1 comment:

Sapphire Sting said...

I should note that Emmy finished her M&Ms back in January - admittedly, with some help. So yes, she's a good girl